What is Full-Stack?
Full-Stack is a scaffolding tool that is used to generate a base project for your next web application using the MEAN Stack.
This is not the perfect arrangement of the MEAN Stack. It exists primarily to get you started quickly with learning and prototyping using the MEAN Stack.
When you generate a base project a couple of decisions are made for you.
- Client and Server Architecture
- MVC Pattern via Server Side
- Modern ES6+ Express Base Project
- Webpack 2 Configured
- Node.js Server Configured
- Verifies that MongoDB is available
- Angular 2 support with Webpack
- TypeScript support
- Typings support
- ES6+ Support
- Live Reload via Client side changes
- Live Rebuild via Sever side changes
- Code Generators
Besides all of this great features this project goes even a step further by setting up your base project with out any unwanted files.
- Clean File Structure
- Clean README.md file is created with your project name
- Clean index.html file created with your project name
- Easy startup script
- Sample MEANStack application